Our Projects
  1. Global High Fashion Design Concpts
    Global High Fashion Design Concpts
    Bolero Global Design Concepts LLC started as a humanitarian idea in Mexico City, Mexico in the mid 80’s. With a passion for shoe design, men’s fashion and fashion evolution, we set out to hear the stories of the Bolero trade. Presentation available upon request.
Our Projects
  1. Law firm specializing in International Tax Protection and payroll services
    Law firm specializing in International Tax Protection and payroll services
    Tax Consulting Services provides legal assistance as well as turn key payroll services. With 26 offices in Republic of Mexico as well as in Miami, Florida & Dallas, Texas
  2. Same game different strategy
    Same game different strategy
    This project is integrated by it’s description, elements, rules, plans and drawings, logos and designs, business plan, market research and all relevant audiovisual and printed materials that are being developed, and will be developed until a final version is released. All these elements are part and subject to the protection of all relevant intellectual property laws in the countries and before the national and foreign intellectual property rights authorities.